

Firebird ensemble member Jimmy Utley hosts a mystery anime movie at The Majestic Theatre! From the Majestic: “Nothing makes us more excited than when a community member approaches us with an idea! Jimmy presents… Ani-Mondays! Join us this coming Monday, July 3rd at 7:30 pm to journey far, far away from Crested Butte with one of Jimmy’s favorite anime films. This guy used to live in Japan – so you won’t be disappointed! Oh yeah, did we mention it is free? ⛩️🌸🍥🍜👒🌊 The movie for this ani-Monday is rated PG!”

Hosted by the Majestic Theatre



Age Range

Ages 10 and up


Currently every other Monday
beginning July 3rd


The Majestic Theatre
507 Red Lady Ave.
Crested Butte, CO 81224